- thickness of kerf
- высота зарубной щели
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
Laser cutting — process on a sheet of steel. CAD (top) and stainless steel laser cut part (bottom) Laser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials, an … Wikipedia
Saw — For other uses, see Saw (disambiguation). Saw A crosscut hand saw about 620 mm (24 inches) long Classification Cutting Types Hand saw Back saw Bow saw Circular saw … Wikipedia
hand tool — any tool or implement designed for manual operation. * * * Introduction any of the implements used by craftsmen in manual operations, such as chopping, chiseling, sawing, filing, or forging. Complementary tools, often needed as auxiliaries to… … Universalium
Oxy-fuel welding and cutting — Oxyacetylene redirects here. For the song, see Cubanate. Side of metal, cut by oxygen propane cutting torch … Wikipedia
saw — saw1 sawer, n. sawlike, adj. /saw/, n., v., sawed, sawed or sawn, sawing. n. 1. a tool or device for cutting, typically a thin blade of metal with a series of sharp teeth. 2. any similar tool or device, as a rotating disk, in which a sharp… … Universalium
Saw pit — A saw pit or sawpit is a pit over which lumber is positioned to be sawed with a long two handled saw by two men, one standing above the timber and the other below. [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sawpit sawpit ] and… … Wikipedia
mining — /muy ning/, n. 1. the act, process, or industry of extracting ores, coal, etc., from mines. 2. the laying of explosive mines. [1250 1300; ME: undermining (walls in an attack); see MINE2, ING1] * * * I Excavation of materials from the Earth s… … Universalium
Band saw — A band saw uses a blade consisting of a band of toothed metal, and may be powered by wind, water, steam, electrical motor or animal power. The band rides on two wheels rotating in the same plane. Band saws can be used for woodworking, metal… … Wikipedia
Miter saw — A miter saw (also spelled mitre) is a saw used to make accurate crosscuts and miters in a workpiece. Contents 1 Manual miter saw 2 Power miter saw 2.1 Types 2.2 F … Wikipedia
Electrical discharge machining — An electrical discharge machine Electric discharge machining (EDM), sometimes colloquially also referred to as spark machining, spark eroding, burning, die sinking or wire erosion,[1] is a manufacturing process whereby a desired shape is obtained … Wikipedia
Water jet cutter — A water jet cutter is a tool capable of slicing into metal or other materials using a jet of water at high velocity and pressure, or a mixture of water and an abrasive substance. The process is essentially the same as water erosion found in… … Wikipedia